Saturday, September 26, 2009


Webosaurs made some major updates!  New chat font, You can't miss a game with the new game sign!  Don't know where a room is?  Well it's marked so it's easier to find your way around!  These are some groovy updates!  Also Webosaurs is getting more popular so we are adding... NEW SERVERS!  Woot!  We get all those updates in one day!  Go check'em out peeps!  Hmm when I think of it I like the old chat better...  Oh well...  Let's get some new dinos! Tell all your friends to go to webosaurs!  Since it is the best place on the web.  So you will like it here!  Let's think of a "walk down memory lane"  Hope you like all the updates!  See ya around! - Hi :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

YOU PICK: Server name

Hey peeps. Now webosaurs blog has announced that... We are picking names for more servers! So get those thinking caps on! We need the best server names in the history of server names. And also think of it later in webosaurs future you will get to say... I name a webosaurs server. I don't know any good names! Think of Dino names. Tip: Don't try to name a server after yourslef... So you might get picked if you do a really good name. So Go and think! :) -Hi


Hey peeps say a congratz to the new pros! They deserve it! Hope you will work hard! Here are the new pros:Percy, Skat, Jdogs, Rollsroyce! Give an applause to all their hard work and effort put into this! Also First "showing" of Pro meeting is canceled. The second at 17:00 WST is not canceled. Hope all you Pros out there can make it! Also don't forget the party tonight at 7:00 CT! Please come! Also theres find the mod all afternoon! These are the times:

15:00 WST - ModosaurMeso
16:30 WST - ModosaurMoon
18:00 WST - ModosaurOrdo
19:30 WST - ModosaurKaro
21:00 WST - Modosaur Meso

You don't want to miss your chance. You get 200 coins if you win a round! New cave contest also from the theme "Get outside week" Rex said we should do a bike or skateboard just anything that goes with that theme. And also COIND FOR NON-MEMBERS ARE HERE!!! You have all been waiting for it! You can now buy some more items for your cave! Also MM party tommorow and I've heard news that flyboy is working on pets. STAY TUNED FOR MORE INFORMATION!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Guys I got a bad comment today saying bad words.  Guys please don't make bad comments.  DONT MAKE A BAD COMMENT!  IM NOT GOING TO POST THEM SO THERES NO POINT OF DOING A BAD COMMENT!  Please watch what you are saying ppl.  I'm not saying everyone, one person did it so just saying DONT DO IT FOR FUN!  So I need someone a mod kinda to work on the site to prevent the bad comments.  :)  -Hi

Biggest party of the season is coming!

Today Monster_Man planned a party!  His very own MM party!!  Now we all wear his armor and color.  Dress like him.  If your a different dino then just dress in the same color and armor if you can.  This is gonna be the best party in the history of parties!  We are celebrating MM for all of his hard work!  So You have to come! This is gonna be the biggest party EVER!  Here are the Mm party details:

When: Wednesday

Where: Rumble Rock's cave

Time: 5:30 EST

What to wear: Where everything MM wears and color blue

Why: Because we love to party

Server: Jurassic

That should be all the info you need.  If you have any more questions go to Webosaurs news (Belugas blog) for more details.  Hope you all can make it to the one and only MM party!  Tell all your friends to post it on a blog and to go to it.  Pass this info onto each blog! -Hi

Non-member coins coming!

As some of you guys heard coins are coming for non-members!  Get ready for them because they are coming Tuesday!  And also they won't go away after a few days.   You keep them if you don't spend them.  And so you guys are getting coins one of my recommendation for a game to get a lot of coins is DEMO DERBY.  If you are really good at it then go saddle up and play it till you can't play anymore while raking in the cash.  So while I thought about this I need a coin party to go with it.  Here is the plan:


Room:Rumble Rock's Cave

Time: 7:00 CT


Why: Because we are getting coins for non-members

That's all you need to know for your coin party.  Please join me in my coin party if you can!  BRING ON THE COINS!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Pirate Items are here!!!

Since today is talk like a Pirate day...  Webosaurs gave us some Pirate items!!!  Not just one or two items... We got three Items!  Webosaurs also added some Pirate Phrases.  And theres a contest on the webosaurs blog for a Pirate Phrase.  The top three best will get a cheesy trophy!  So get your thinking caps on and think up the best pirate phase!  I entered.  So tell me if you like those Pirate items.  I love the ship in a bottle.  So It's kinda like the first three mimo items  Turn those caves into some Pirate ships!  Also If you did notice the ship is almost done in Rumble Rocks cave.  Hope you like the items!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Hey guys!  If you logged on the past weekend guess what you have waiting for you in your cave.  Well It's a Poster!  Since webosaurs had chat problems they awarded some of us with that poster...  It says, "I survived the Webosaurs chat challenge weekend."  It's a awesome poster!  If you didn't get a poster like that and you logged in on the past weekend let a mod know that you didn't get that.  And Thanks Admins for getting this problem fixed!  So hope you like this special gift from the admins!  What do you think about it? (It's a little fuzzy because the drawing is so small so therefore it's fuzzy)

It's that time again!

There is gonna be another cave competition this week!  And some of you boys will love the theme!  Guess what it is... It's Video Games!  Woot!  You will have a lot of ideas im sure.  Come on over and start decorating!  Learn from the master of second place in first cave competition... Lol that was me.  JK about that but who like decorating?  I know I do! Get those caves dressed up.  You win coins and get an awesome banner that says Your a winner of the competition!  Hope you all do your best!  Let the best win! 

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hey everyone!

I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry that I didn't update the blog.  I was really busy.  I never remembered to update the blog.  Now I am here trying to update.  I am a member now and got all my badges.  Sorry everyone for not updating.  I'll update all the events from now on.  Also there's National Games Day today on Webosaurs.  You get double the coins.  Non-members can't really participate in this event but you will real soon.  Coins should be coming next week for non-members.  I also want to know how many people I lost during that long period of time.  So if you can please comment if you still look at the site.  So I hope you will stay at the site for all the best cheats.  :)  Tell all your webosaurs friends to visit the site!!!