Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A small secret

This is a secret of Webosaurs island.  There is a secret lab and there is two ways to get in.  1# Go to Gushing Geyser and  stand on the hole in the geyser when it is NOT GOING and wait until the water gushes up. 2# Go to hillside canopy and click the block and it will open up and you can enter.  Either way will work.  A lot of you know about this but it is just for new players of the game.

Beta Testers

As you all know we are Beta Testers.  So we all have to work together to make Webosaurs a better place for kids like all of us.  So if you don't know how to report a bug there is two buttons witch you can report a bug or ask for help from a moderator.  So if you see something like the ground change a color report that as a bug.  We can all make this help Webosaurs.  Tell you friends to join, tell a Taco Bell worker,  Tell your aunts uncle, Tell anyone to join to report bugs or anyone who is a bad player.  You can help!  Help now!

Free Stuff

I saw that this wood armor was free yesterday but there was some bugs so I couldn't get it.  Now there is the wood armor and some actions FREE at Toa Temple located in Sub Alpine Forest.  And of course the armor shop in Croc Peninsula.  So you also see that the actions fart, jump kick, and special are their usual 314 coins.  The bone, molten, steel are their regular price at 314 coins also.  I hope more things are free at times!  And I wonder if their is going to be a beta item for all of us.  And also if you have a designs Send them all in! They might put that item in!  Have a great time buying those free actions and armor!


I am now playing an awesome game called Webosaurs.  It is a great game where you can chat, play, and more!  Discover scrolls to unlock new parts of the island.  There are more names that are not taken so you don't have to type numbers only if you want to.  My name is HI on webosaurs and you can also meet TREY who is chobot the mod!  You can talk to moderators without it being packed so the moderators can focus on your conversation and will add you if you ask.  You can also meet the creators FLYBOY, JUCEKING, TAMMY!  They can give you coins to spend since they are the creators.  You can add them if you ask.  Its a fun game where you can explore 10 different landscapes.  There are shops to buy armor and things for your cave and you can buy actions like jump, fart, burp, and more.  You can also pick your character.  There are four different characters that you can pick.  You can battle at battle arenas in some rooms and face the master of that area.  That is why you can buy armor!  You face in the arena Guard1, Guard2, and Guard3.  There is also others you can battle but are different names in each arena.  Read about recent things happening in Webosaurs in their blog and you can watch funny videos.  Remember that we are beta testers so report bugs or bad Webosaurs.  Also have a fun time.  Oh and listen to moderators becuase they all have a good reason for telling you to go out of a room ect.  Stay good and enjoy Webosaurs!  I hope you all have a fun time and if you see me feel free to ask me to be your friends!