Sunday, September 20, 2009

Biggest party of the season is coming!

Today Monster_Man planned a party!  His very own MM party!!  Now we all wear his armor and color.  Dress like him.  If your a different dino then just dress in the same color and armor if you can.  This is gonna be the best party in the history of parties!  We are celebrating MM for all of his hard work!  So You have to come! This is gonna be the biggest party EVER!  Here are the Mm party details:

When: Wednesday

Where: Rumble Rock's cave

Time: 5:30 EST

What to wear: Where everything MM wears and color blue

Why: Because we love to party

Server: Jurassic

That should be all the info you need.  If you have any more questions go to Webosaurs news (Belugas blog) for more details.  Hope you all can make it to the one and only MM party!  Tell all your friends to post it on a blog and to go to it.  Pass this info onto each blog! -Hi

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